Saturday, November 6, 2010

New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg bashes Americans while visiting China

Once again we see the mind of the Liberal elitist at work.

These guys love to go overseas and bash their own country.

I’m glad this news has come out because these anti-American comments will totally sink Bloomberg’s chances to run for president.

Not that he ever had a shot in the first place.

The New York Post reports that Mayor Bloomberg blasted Congress and Americans looking to blame their problems on China, during a visit to Hong Kong yesterday.

American lawmakers know bupkis about the Asian giant — and could set off a trade war, Bloomberg ranted.

“If you look at the US, you look at who we’re electing to Congress, to the
Senate — they can’t read,” he said.

“I’ll bet you a bunch of these people don’t have passports. We’re about to start a trade war with China if we’re not careful here, only because nobody knows where China is, ” Bloomberg said.

The mayor’s criticism extended to average Americans, who he said were too quick to blame the Chinese for their own difficulties.
”We’ve got to stop blaming the Chinese and blaming everybody else, and take a look at ourselves,” Bloomberg said.

Whose has been blaming China for anything?

What planet does Bloomy live on?

I think Mike was just trying to score some brownie points with China. I bet he’s got some Chinese investments lined up for himself.

That’s fine. But, don’t go bashing your own country to a bunch of Communists. Liberals have always hada love affair with China because they wish the U.S. wasn’t hampered with the U.S. Constitution.

China is the perfect Liberal utopia for the Liberal where the collective has everything provided for them by the state. Everybody lives equally in peace and harmony.


What’s that?


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